Sunday, May 19, 2013

The unstoppable force meets the immovable objects

The unstoppable force meets the immovable objects

This one depends on context. If we go with the scientific definition of force, than force can be exerted without work I.E. you can apply energy and force, but not get movement. You could theoretically sit there all day pulling a stump and never have it move. Thus, force may continue to be exerted, but not change the position of the object, thus a force could be "unstoppable" and the object could remain still.

If said force must keep moving, even after contact with the immovable objects, than how would one resolve this paradox? You could in fact, deflect it; redirect the energy into another direction thus allowing it to move but not violate it's constraints on either side. The object stands still, the force is still moving.

But what if, what if, the unstoppable force must continue in a straight line? It cannot be deflected or stopped, and must continue on the same path it did before?

This one is more complex. The object obviously cannot move, but the force cannot stop. How would one get around this? This assuming the force cannot be redirected in some way, reflected or otherwise. You could theoretically slow it down, infinitely, so that a collision never occurred, but this is not necessarily what will happen.

There is no way to move the object or force; a collision seems inevitable, and what will happen?!  Well, one may not move the object; but they can move the space around it. Since they can move the space around it, and thus physically transport the object without it actually moving, the object can remain still and yet the energy by directed around it, or vice versa. The point being, spacetime is moldable itself, thus one could easily move the object.

Now one might ask yourself; okay, this is how you could avoid a collision, but is it what would happen? Despite this notion, obviously, if an immovable objects struck and unstoppable force a series of time space ripples would carry out with such immense force instantaneously, so fast that as fast as is possible, a second divided by infinity, that it would begin bending space time and create anomalies that would inevitably redirect them both. Thus, the two entities would in effect, after immediate contact, lasting an infinitely short amount of time, warp space time and be redirected, thus solving the problem all together.

This conjecture is somewhat easier to validate as it does not leave the machinations of the universe up to a guess. As of now, infinite energy is impossible; according to Einstein's theory of relativity, anything with an infinite amount of energy would have infinite mass; thus there is a speed limit, since energy couldn't go on rapidly forever and create infinitely massive things, due to the laws of energy and mass equivalence. The unstoppable force doesn't really do anything, exerting itself on empty space; no energy is created. But the immovable object never moves, yet presumably it's an object, with mass, or some concept of energy storage (such as a photon). This in turn creates potential energy, due to the force; thus, the energy builds up rapidly, and in fact that the laws of conversation of energy and mass suggest the object would be gaining mass due to the energy. An unstoppable force can create an infinite amount of energy (although it does not necessarily have energy itself) when no amount of energy or mass can stop it or slow it down, and this force is transferred to the object; thus you get an infinite energy build up. Since the energy is infinite, this does not occur over time, but instantaneously, as fast as fast is possible, in an infinitely short amount of time. Thus the briefest contact possible, an infinitely short amount of time, if perhaps no contact at all, would still transfer and infinite amount of energy, since the energy is limitless. Mass bends space time, such as black holes or suns keeping planets in orbit; thus more mass = more spacetime bending. With infinite energy comes infinite mass and thus, a massive space time anomaly; potentially the size of the universe or more. In this case, enough to redirect the force, in a manner, without physically effecting the force, but rather changing the path itself. Thus the objects briefly come into contact, spawn an infinite amount of gravity, and when they no longer touch, have warped apart from each other, an infinite distance away.

Thus, this is what you get when an unstoppable force meets and immovable objects.

Logic couldn't tell you that, but I could.

That's because I have omni-reason.

Blast holes in logic with Occam'sz LAZAH!

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