Sunday, May 19, 2013

Occams'z LAZAH, the principle Paradox Solver

Occams'z LAZAH, the principle Paradox Solver
"An amalgamation of pseudoscience and iythiopathic rambling that actually coalesces into something partially useful, more convenient than a half truth."

Sometimes, you realize that logic cannot intrinsically solve all the problems you're looking for. Occasionally, it even requires for you to take blind leaps of faith to make decisions, or continuously guess in never ending paradoxes. They say that logic can explain any thing; but sadly, logic can only explain things logically, which we only assume is how the universe works. Now for logic to be logical, it must be correct; thus, is the principle concept of logic. But logic is very limited; at it's core, it's algebra. Either something is something, greater than, less than, similiar to, or not. Ultimately reduced to yes or no. To be, or not to be; live, or die? The logical conclusion is derived from a series of random variables and therefore, the answer chosen is a simple logical equation. Thus, forms the basis of logic.

But is logically wholly correct; does it apply to real life? We would of course, have to find something illogical in real life to disprove logic's logicalness. And indeed, we would also have to logically prove why it's illogical for it to be illogical; not only disproving logic the end all be all, but being a paradox itself. Logic, perhaps ironically, cannot solve paradoxes; they are deemed illogical, something logic cannot solve. Thus, paradoxes are an example of anomalies logic cannot solve in real life.

Examples of paradoxes in real life

Occam's Razor
Theoretically, Occam, a man, designed a supposedly logical system that all things simple are logical; logic meaning that it's definitely correct, and therefore, right, at least according to the universe. The concept is analogous to balancing something on the fine edge of a razor, with a slight shimmer causing it to lose it's balance on way or the other. This is however easily disprovable; so much so, that our very existance is more complex than not existing, thus defeating the idea of simplicity pertaining to all things in the universe. Indeed, it would be more simple for their to be one base particle to our universe, instead of several, but that simply may not be true. Or it might be; regardless, not all simplest solutions are the best. Nothing is hardly a solution at all, for example, yet it is infinitely simple beyond something. And one thing is usually much simpler, but may not be adequate for achieving your goals.

Thus one can conclude that Occam's razor is not always correct, and is therefore illogical. When Occam's razor becomes your God, you've forgotten the irony of the God you pretend to fight against. Regardless, Occam's razor presents a concept of a logical "tool" so to speak, to help guide you to making decisions, false or not, beyond simple questions.

Thus, Occam'sz LAZAH! Allows you to blast holes in logic, and solve what it cannot solve. Logic believes it has the solution; but it does not. As previously described above, it merely can only tell what is and is not logical,

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